Card API

Retrieve, update, and delete credit card information for a given customer. New cards are created from tokens and can be added to new and existing customers.


Name Type Description
object string

The string card.

id string

The card identifier matching /card(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/.

livemode boolean

Whether this is a live (true) or test (false) card.

location string

API path to retrieve the current card object.

bank string

Card bank name. Note: derived from issuer identification number (IIN); may not be accurate.

brand string

Card brand (e.g. Visa, Mastercard).

city string

Billing address city.

country string

Billing address country as two-letter ISO 3166 code. Note: if not supplied at token creation, value derived from issuer identification number (IIN) so may not be accurate.

created string

UTC datetime of card creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).

deleted boolean

Whether card is deleted.

expiration_month integer

Card expiration month (M or MM).

expiration_year integer

Card expiration year (YYYY).

financing string

Type of credit card financing. One of credit, debit, or prepaid. Note: derived from issuer identification number (IIN); may not be accurate.

fingerprint string

Unique card-based fingerprint. Allows detection of identical cards.

first_digits string

First six (6) digits of card number. Value will be present only for specific merchants based on additional security/business assessments.

last_digits string

Last four (4) digits of card number.

name string

Card owner name.

phone_number string

Phone number.

postal_code string

Card postal code.

security_code_check boolean

Whether card passed pre-authorization. A card may fail pre-authorization for several reasons including, but not limited to, having an invalid security_code. As of 1 April 2020, this attribute only returns true regardless of the actual pre-authorization result.

state string

Billing address state.

street1 string

Billing address street #1.

street2 string

Billing address street #2.

tokenization_method string

The method by which a card is tokenized. The possible values are:

  • googlepay (when tokenized by Google Pay

  • null (when tokenized by Omise). This is the default value.


  • JSON Response

Destroy a card

- DELETE{id}/cards/{card_id}

Destroys the card matching :card_id belonging to customer matching :id.


  • Destroy a card

List cards

- GET{id}/cards

Returns a list of cards belonging to customer matching :id.

Request Parameters

Name Type Description
from string

(optional, default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) Earliest UTC datetime for returned records in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).

limit integer

(optional, default: 20) Number of records returned.

offset integer

(optional, default: 0) Offset of the first record returned (i.e. how many records to skip from the beginning).

order string

(optional, default: chronological, one of: chronological, reverse_chronological) Order of records returned.

to string

(optional) Latest UTC datetime for returned records in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).


  • List all cards

Retrieve a card

- GET{id}/cards/{card_id}

Returns the card matching :card_id belonging to customer matching :id.


  • Retrieve a card

Update a card

- PATCH{id}/cards/{card_id}

Updates the card matching :card_id belonging to customer matching :id.

Request Parameters

Name Type Description
city string

(optional, but recommended) Billing address city. Supplying the cardholder's billing address improves your authorization rate for US, UK, and Canadian cardholders.

expiration_month integer

(optional) Card expiration month (M or MM).

expiration_year integer

(optional) Card expiration year (YY or YYYY).

name string

(optional) Card owner name.

postal_code string

(optional, but recommended) Card postal code. Supplying the cardholder's billing address improves your authorization rate for US, UK, and Canadian cardholders.


  • Update a card

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