Thai Internet Banking
Topics covered on this page
Internet banking enables customers of a bank to easily conduct financial transactions through a bank-operated website. In order to pay via internet Banking, the customer is required to have a registered account with their respective bank.
Registering for an account can be done online using an ATM or Debit Card, or offline at a branch.
The payment flow
Customers that choose to pay via internet banking go through a redirect payment flow. This means that they are redirected from the merchant's website to a secure bank-operated page in order to authorize and confirm the payment amount. Upon completion, the customer is automatically redirected back to the merchant's website.
The customer selects internet banking as their preferred payment method and is redirected to the bank's page.
Payment amount and reference numbers are already filled out. The customer only has to review the information and confirm the payment.
Creating a charge
Creating an offsite internet banking charge is similar to creating a charge for credit cards. Instead of passing card or customer as described in Charging Cards we pass offsite
which is just the name of the bank.
The valid fields for offsite
are internet_banking_bay
, internet_banking_bbl
, internet_banking_ktb
and internet_banking_scb
Below is a cURL snippet for creating an internet banking charge:
curl \
-u skey_test_4xsjvwfnvb2g0l81sjz: \
-d "amount=100000" \
-d "currency=thb" \
-d "offsite=internet_banking_scb" \
-d "return_uri="
- is the URI where the customer is redirected back to upon charge completion.
An example of JSON response is shown below.
"object": "charge",
"id": "chrg_test_56m8kzmmdazjse9jget",
"livemode": false,
"location": "/charges/chrg_test_56m8kzmmdazjse9jget",
"amount": 100000,
"currency": "thb",
"description": "test offsite charge",
"status": "pending",
"capture": true,
"authorized": false,
"reversed": false,
"paid": false,
"transaction": null,
"source_of_fund": "offsite",
"refunded": 0,
"refunds": {
"object": "list",
"from": "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"to": "2017-01-10T09:23:11+00:00",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 0,
"order": null,
"location": "/charges/chrg_test_56m8kzmmdazjse9jget/refunds",
"data": []
"return_uri": "",
"offsite": "internet_banking_scb",
"reference": "ofsp_test_56m8kzms4wzqd525jsd",
"authorize_uri": "",
"failure_code": null,
"failure_message": null,
"card": null,
"customer": null,
"ip": null,
"dispute": null,
"created": "2017-01-10T09:23:11Z"
To proceed to the bank for payment, the merchant would need to redirect the customer to the authorize_uri
*Note: In test mode, copy the URL returned in the authorize_uri
and paste it to your browser to proceed with testing.
At any time the merchant can check the status of the charge by retrieving the charge as described in Charges API.
- If both authorized and paid are true, the charge succeeded.
- If both authorized and paid are false, the charge failed. For detailed explanation on the reason the charge failed, check the
in the Charge object. The Failure codes section below are the possible failure for internet banking. - There is no scenario where authorized or paid can have different values.
Failure codes
Code | Description |
insufficient_balance |
There are not enough funds in the bank account for making a payment. |
payment_cancelled |
Payment has been cancelled by payer. |
timeout |
User did not take any action within 24 hours after charge was created. |
failed_processing |
Payment failed due to other reasons. |
Rather than relying on the redirect back to the return_uri, we suggest merchants to make use of our Webhook API . Whenever a transaction is completed a webhook is sent to the URL that is specified in the dashboard with the event name charge.complete
- Internet Banking is only available for merchants with a Thai-registered Opn Payments account.
- For users with a live account, you will be required to review Terms & Conditions before using the live API.