Receipt API
The Receipts API allows you to retrieve daily receipts. Receipts accumulate all transaction and transfer fees and are generated daily up to the most recent full day.
Name | Type | Description |
object | string | 固定値 |
id | string |
livemode | boolean | 本番モード ( |
location | string | 現在の |
adjustment_transaction | transaction | 調整取引 |
charge_fee | integer | smallest currency unit(最小通貨単位)での決済手数料。 |
company_address | string | Omise住所。 |
company_name | string | Omiseの会社名。 |
company_tax_id | string | Omise納税者番号。 |
created_at | string | ISO 8601 形式 ( |
credit_note | boolean | この料金サブユニットが負 ( |
currency | string | 3文字で表示される受領用通貨のISO 4217コード。 |
customer_address | string | 顧客の住所。 |
customer_email | string | 顧客のメールアドレス。 |
customer_name | string | 顧客名。 |
customer_statement_name | string | 顧客ステートメント名。 |
customer_tax_id | string | 顧客の納税者番号。 |
issued_on | string | ISO 8601形式のレシート発行日。 |
number | string | レシート番号。 |
subtotal | integer |
total | integer |
transaction_fee | integer | 無効化された取引を除く、取引数です。 |
transfer_fee | integer | smallest currency unit(最小の通貨単位)での振替手数料。 |
vat | integer |
voided_fee | integer | smallest currency unit(最小の通貨単位)で無効となった手数料。 |
wht | integer |
List all receipts
- GETに属するすべての お客様のアカウントオブジェクトの list を返します。
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
from | string | (任意, default: |
limit | integer | (任意, default: |
offset | integer | (任意, default: |
order | string | (任意, default: |
to | string | (任意) ISO 8601形式 ( |
List all receipts
- curl
- java
- python
- go
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY:
Request<ScopedList<Receipt>> request = new Receipt.ListRequestBuilder().build(); ScopedList<Receipt> receipts = client().sendRequest(request); System.out.printf("Total no. of receipts: %d", receipts.getTotal());
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" receipts = omise.Receipt.retrieve()
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Recipient{} list := &operations.List{Offset: 100, Limit: 20} err := client.Do(result, &operations.ListReceipts{List: *list}) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
List all receipts by specific month
- curl
curl \ -X GET \ -d "from=2020/07/01" \ -d "to=2020/07/31" \ -d "limit=31" \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY:
Retrieve a receipt
- GET{id}Returns an existing receipt object.
Retrieve a receipt
- curl
- java
- python
- go
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY:
Request<Receipt> request = new Receipt.GetRequestBuilder("rcpt_59lezici7p7gt85hfwr").build(); Receipt receipt = client().sendRequest(request); System.out.printf("Retrieved receipt: %s", receipt.getId());
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" receipt = omise.Receipt.retrieve("rcpt_59lezici7p7gt85hfwr")
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Receipt{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.RetrieveReceipt{"rcpt_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo"}) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)