
Topics covered on this page

Accept payments through Omise on your PrestaShop-based online store. No programming is required.

Supported versions

Supports PrestaShop

Can't find your version of PrestaShop? Please contact support.

Supported payment methods

  • Alipay (Online)

  • Credit and Debit Cards

  • Internet Banking

  • OCBC Digital

  • Pay with Points

  • TrueMoney Wallet

Do you need a payment method that is not currently supported? Please contact support.


  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Log in to your PrestaShop admin interface and go to Modules > Modules & Services.

  3. Click Upload a module.

  4. Click select file to select the file you just downloaded


Connect your Omise account and enable your preferred payment methods. This enables your customers to make payments on your store through Omise.

In your PrestaShop admin interface:

  1. Go to Module and Services.

  2. Search for omise from the search box. You will find Omise in the list.

  3. Click on Configuration.

  4. The module configuration page will appear.

Change Enable/Disable to Yes to enable the module.

Note: If you have Sandbox set to Yes, the TEST keys will be used. The LIVE keys will be used if you have the Sandbox set to No.

Enabling 3DS

If you would like to process 3DS (also known as 3-D Secure) charges, please enable 3DS on the plugin in configuration before contacting support to enable 3DS on your account.

If you enabled 3DS for your account but haven't yet enabled 3DS on the plugin, you might get a payment rejected failure with the message 3d secure is requested, but return URI is not set.


This plugin is open source. Visit its repository on GitHub to see the source code and learn how to contribute changes. Pull requests welcome.


If you're having issues with this plugin, please contact support.

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