Topics covered on this page

Accept payments through Omise on your EC-CUBE-based online store. No programming is required.

Supported versions

Supports EC-CUBE 2.13.3--2.17.

Please use at least the minimum recommended version of the omise-eccube library. For more information, see Library Updates Required.

Can't find your version of EC-CUBE? Please contact support.

Supported payment methods

  • Credit and Debit Cards

  • OCBC Digital

Do you need a payment method that is not currently supported? Please contact support.


  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Login to your EC-CUBE admin interface (<your store>/admin/ownersstore/)
  3. Click Choose file to select the file you just downloaded
  4. Click インストール button to install. installation
  5. Click 有効 to enable this plugin. screen shot 2016-04-20 at 12 08 26


Connect your Omise account. This enables your customers to make payments to your store through Omise.

In your EC-CUBE admin interface:

  1. Click プラグイン設定 to open the Omise Payment plugin settings.

    screen shot 2016-04-20 at 12 08 34

  2. Configure the following fields with your Omise API keys.

Omise API keys ( LIVE )

Set your LIVE Keys. If your account is still in test mode, please enter your TEST keys for now. You can change this value anytime.

Omise API keys ( TEST )

Set your TEST Keys. If your account is still in test mode, and even if you have entered TEST keys in the Omise API keys ( LIVE ) field, please also enter your TEST keys here.


mode condition
Omise APIをテストモードで実行する Use Test keys to run Omise API(s). No real transactions happen.
Omise APIをライブモード(実際に課金)で実行する Use Live keys to run Omise API(s). Real transactions happen.


mode condition
購入時に即時、実売上化する。 Charge will be captured on each order that happens with Omise.
購入時に仮売上(オーソリ)を作成し、受注画面から実売上化する。 Charge will be authorized on each order transaction that happens with Omise. You can capture authorized charges later from the admin order page.

You can change the payment method name

The plugin set the payment method name クレジットカード決済[Omise] as the default.

screen shot 2016-04-20 at 12 26 09

You can change to clicking the 設定 text link in the same row of クレジットカード決済[Omise] in 基本情報管理>支払い方法設定.

Add Omise Payment method to 取扱支払方法 from 配送方法設定

In the final step, choose the 配送方法 details page that you want to enable the Omise Payment method to that group.

screen shot 2016-04-20 at 12 33 46

Click クレジットカード決済[Omise] and save this setting to enable the Omise method for this group.

screen shot 2016-04-20 at 12 33 53

Enabling 3DS

This plugin does not support 3DS-enabled (3-D Secure) accounts.


This plugin is open source. Visit its repository on GitHub to see the source code and learn how to contribute changes. Pull requests are welcome.


If you're having issues with this plugin, please contact support.

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