EC-CUBE Plugin


OmiseExt EC-CUBE 2.13.3 plugin introduction

This easy-to-use Omise plugin allows you to place an Omise method into your EC-CUBE 2.13.3.
You only have two steps to go through before using this.

Step 1: Install this plugin and then set up your plugin setting with your Omise API keys.
Step 2: Click Omise ( クレジットカード決済[Omise] ) to enable it on the delivery input page ( 配送方法設定 ).

Then, the customer can choose the Omise method on the payment page.

List of functions

  • Add Omise Plugin Setting
  • Manage API keys in Plugin Setting
  • Manage sandbox mode in Plugin Setting
    radio box,
    1: use test keys,
    2: use live keys

  • Manage charge auto capture mode in Plugin Setting
    radio box,
    1: auto capture on charge created,
    2: no auto capture; you can capture later on the EC-CUBE admin order edit template

  • Add automatic adding Omise method to EC-CUBE Admin

  • Add Omise credit card form to EC-CUBE payment template
    EC-CUBE customer(user) can choose to save card(card_id),
    if EC-CUBE customer(user) saved card
    You can use that card next time by clicking 登録してあるカードで支払う
    that can delete that card(card_id) from EC-CUBE by clicking 登録したカードを削除する
    that can use the other card by clicking 別のカードで支払う

  • Add Omise charge table to EC-CUBE admin order edit template

  • Add Omise charge capture function to EC-CUBE admin order edit template

  • Add Omise refund function to EC-CUBE admin order edit template

  • You can search charges with keyword order_id: from Omise Dashboard Global search.


  • Works with EC-CUBE 2.13.3 .
  • PHP 5.3+ .
  • Galapagos cell phone is not supported because Javascript is required.

How to install the OmiseExt EC-CUBE 2.13.3 plugin

Download omise-eccube.tar.gz plugin.

Next, open your /admin/ownersstore/ with a web browser, click Choose file to select plugin omise-eccube.tar.gz, and click the インストール button to start installing.

screen shot 2016-04-20 at 11 33 19

Click 有効 to enable this plugin.

screen shot 2016-04-20 at 12 08 26

Click プラグイン設定 to open the Omise plugin setting window.

screen shot 2016-04-20 at 12 08 34

Configure the following fields with your Omise API keys.

Omise API keys ( LIVE )

Set your LIVE Keys.
If your account is still in test mode, please fill in your TEST keys for now.
You can change this value anytime.

Omise API keys ( TEST )

Set your TEST Keys. If your account is still in test mode, and you put TEST keys in the Omise API keys ( LIVE ) fields, please fill in your TEST keys here, too.


mode condition
Omise APIをテストモードで実行する Use Test keys to run Omise API(s). No real transactions happen.
Omise APIをライブモード(実際に課金)で実行する Use Live keys to run Omise API(s). Real transactions happen.


mode condition
購入時に即時、実売上化する。 Charge will be captured on each order transaction that happens with Omise.
購入時に仮売上(オーソリ)を作成し、受注画面から実売上化する。 Charge will be authorized on each order transaction that happens with Omise. You can capture the authorized charge later from the admin order page.

You can change its payment method name

The plugin set the payment method name クレジットカード決済[Omise] as default.

screen shot 2016-04-20 at 12 26 09

You can change to clicking the 設定 text link in the same row of クレジットカード決済[Omise] in 基本情報管理>支払い方法設定.

Add Omise method to 取扱支払方法 from 配送方法設定

The final step is to choose the 配送方法 detail page for which you want to enable the Omise method for that group.

screen shot 2016-04-20 at 12 33 46

Click クレジットカード決済[Omise] and save this setting to enable the Omise method for this group.

screen shot 2016-04-20 at 12 33 53

Now you finally activated your Omise method on your EC-CUBE !!

How Omise will display on your EC-CUBE

Beforehand, please select sandbox mode as Omise APIをテストモードで実行する.

  • Add some items to proceed to the payment page. screen shot 2016-04-21 at 14 18 56

  • Fill test card info to proceed check out. screen shot 2016-04-21 at 14 19 02

  • Check charge status at Omise Test Dashboard screen shot 2016-04-21 at 14 20 59

  • If your capture setting was 購入時に仮売上(オーソリ)を作成し、受注画面から実売上化する。, please open admin order page to capture an authorized charge by clicking 実売上化する. screen shot 2016-04-21 at 14 14 20

  • If you want to refund, also open the admin order page to refund by clicking the 返金する button. screen shot 2016-04-21 at 14 16 11


The plugin never generates any log file.
Omise API logs are available in the following links.


MIT License

เว็ปไซต์นี้มีการใช้คุกกี้เพื่อวิเคราะห์การใช้และปรับการใช้งานให้เหมาะกับท่าน เมื่อกดยอมรับหรือยังคงเข้าชมเว็บไซต์ต่อ เราถือว่าท่านยินยอมในการใช้งานคุกกี้ของเว็บไซต์ อ่านนโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว