Step by Step Guide

Topics covered on this page

This guide is to help you find your way around Omise with a straightforward step-by-step approach. It’s detailed, comprehensive, and easy to follow, ideal for a non-tech-savvy user.

  1. Signing up
  2. Charging cards
  3. Transferring funds
  4. Plugin download & installation
  5. Enabling live mode

1. Signing up

Signing up for an Omise account is simple. You'll find Register on the top-right corner of every page on our site.

register button on top left

Fill in your email address and set a password for your account. Remember that the password must contain at least 10 characters and must include:

  • one uppercase character, one lowercase character, and a number
  • one special character, ex. @ & # ?

Once you submit, you’ll be directed to your dashboard and asked to verify your email address. Follow the onscreen instructions.

dashboard page

The working environments, Test dashboard and Live dashboard, can be selected from the menu bar at the top. - Test Dashboard is the sandbox mode; no live transactions take place - Live Dashboard is where all transactions occur in actuality, with cardholders and banks

Note that both environments are mutually exclusive.

2. Charging cards

To create your first charge, click on Charges. We’ll start testing by making an API call from the command line.

For mac: Open Terminal Go to Finder> Application>Utilities>Terminal

open terminal application

For Windows: We recommend Git-Bash to run curl. (Download Git-SCM)

git bash

Once all set, click on Create a charge with a token.

charge page

Two sets of codes will appear. The first is used to create a Token, and the second charges the card.

open charge command line

Copy the first set of codes to the Terminal. (The sample code shown already includes card details and a key.)

call request token api

The system will return a JSON response. The Token generated is displayed next to “id”. Copy the second set of codes to the Terminal and replace token_id with the Token ID received.


Check your dashboard. The successful transaction will appear under Charges.

got charge from charge page

3. Transferring funds

Payments received will be on hold for a specific period (Thailand: 7 days, Japan: 21 days) before the funds are moved to the Transferable balance. Only funds in the transferable balance can be withdrawn from an Omise account. Note: In the test dashboard, the received amount will automatically go to your Transferable balance.

Whenever you wish to transfer, click Setup a transfer.

transfer page

With Omise, you have two transfer options: a full transfer (the total amount will be transferred from the Transferable balance) and a partial transfer (a specific amount is transferred).

request full transfer

When you Setup a Transfer, a transfer is created, but its status is set to Pending. Unlike banks, we can’t process transfers right away. We batch them and send them once a day around 10 am.

overview of transfer process

Once the bank successfully processes the transfer to your account, Omise will receive a Transfer Success notification. We will then pass that message on to you.

Test mode: You could easily simulate the process by checking Mark as sent to indicate that the transfer request has been sent to the bank and check Mark as paid to determine the bank’s response.

mark as sent button

Once a transfer is created and a request is sent to the bank, the amount will be deducted from your Transferable balance.

send request to bank show in transfer page

The funds will be transferred to your bank account the next day.

Note: If the amount requested is greater than the amount available in your transferable balance, the transfer will be unsuccessful. The status will remain pending, and the transfer will be retried the next day.

4. Plugin download & installation

For e-commerce sites that aren’t listed or if you’ve built your site, here’s the list of available SDKs:

Implementing a mobile app?

Or with the console on your website:

Here's what to do if you are using our API with a PHP site without a plugin or composer.

Put these lines to index.html

<form name="checkoutForm" method="POST" action="checkout.php">
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""
    data-frame-label="Merchant site name"
    data-button-label="Pay now"
  <!--the script will render <input type="hidden" name="omiseToken"> for you automatically-->

<!-- data-key="YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY" -->

Change YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY to your key (which can be found on your dashboard) and change the PATH_TO_LOGO_IMAGE to the URL of an image. For example

Once you’ve created index.html, which is used to collect card information, create checkout.php to charge cards. You can get the omise-php library from Unzip the file and rename the folder from omise-php-master to omise-php

When working in live mode, we recommend using git clone as it is easier to keep codes up-to-date.


require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/omise-php/lib/Omise.php';
define('OMISE_API_VERSION', '2015-11-17');
define('OMISE_PUBLIC_KEY', 'pkey_test_52jyu0r8o4307z0zz00');
define('OMISE_SECRET_KEY', 'skey_test_52jyu0r8mim84ylp454');

$charge = OmiseCharge::create(array(
  'amount' => 10025,
  'currency' => 'thb',
  'card' => $_POST["omiseToken"]

if ($charge['status'] == 'successful') {
  echo 'Success';
} else {
  echo 'Fail';


The code already contains a set of public and secret keys. Replace them with your keys, and you’re ready to test the code.

example in browser

Omise.js creates a Pay now button. Click it, and a payment form will appear. You can use the details below for testing:

Number: 4242424242424242
Expired month: 12
Expired year: 2020
Security code: 123

A notification message will appear once the form is submitted and the charge is successful.

Learn more from our documentation, or if you still have questions after reading, visit support.

5. Enabling live mode

You’ll have to enable the live dashboard to start receiving actual transactions. A few documents must be submitted online for approval.


  • An Omise account with a verified email
  • A website that is ready and available online
  • Your website must communicate its refund policy to the cardholder in one of the following locations: term and condition
    • In the sequence of pages before final checkout, with a click to accept or another acknowledgment button, checkbox, or location for an electronic signature or
    • On the checkout screen, near the submit or click to accept button. Note: The disclosure must not be solely on a link to a separate web page. Source: Card Acceptance Guidelines for Visa Merchants
  • A copy of your registration documents ready for upload in PDF, JPG, or PNG format. See below for the detailed list.

For businesses:

  • Your company's registration document (DBD) issued within 60 days
  • Company Seal (Bor. Oor. Jor. 3)
  • Shareholders’ List (Bor. Oor. Jor. 5)

    • ID cards of shareholders who hold more than 25% of the company's shares (for foreigners, passports)
  • VAT certification - Por. Por. 20 (optional)

  • The authorized directors' ID cards

  • For foreigners, your passport, work permit, and proof of address:

    • Yellow house book (Thor. Ror. 13), or
    • Bank/credit card statement or utility bill (electricity, internet, gas) showing full name and current residential address)
  • The front page of your preferred Thai Bank passbook showing the account number to collect funds. This account name must match the company name stated on the company's registration document.

  • Bank statement (may be required in some cases)

All documents must be signed by the authorized director(s) and marked certified true copy with the company seal affixed. Please note that e-signatures are not accepted.

For individuals:

  • Your ID card
  • For foreigners, your passport, work permit, and proof of address:

    • Yellow house book (Thor. Ror. 13), or
    • Bank/credit card statement or utility bill (electricity, internet, gas) showing full name and current residential address)
  • The front page of your preferred Thai Bank passbook showing the account number that will collect funds. This account name must match the name on the ID card.

  • Bank statement (may be required in some cases)

All documents must be signed and marked certified true copy.


live dashboard

  1. Sign in to your account and click on the Live dashboard tab
  2. Fill in the form and submit it for approval.

Note: Files must be in PDF, JPG or PNG

Omise will review your registration and enable Live mode on your account within a few days. We may contact you back if more information is required or if your registration is incomplete.

Relates articles: How long does Omise hold my money? How do I enable live account?

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