Search Query and Filters
Topics covered on this page
The Search API allows you to search records within a given data type (scope
The search scope
is required.
A simple search looks like this:
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=charge"
The preceding example returns all charges on your account, with the most recently created charges appearing first. The results are paginated; the response is on the first page with a default of 30 results per page. For all accepted parameters, object structure, and more examples, see the Search API.
To narrow your search, add the query
and filters
When both query
and filters
are supplied, the result is the combined set.
When the query
parameter is supplied, returned objects are those where the query string is found across one of a set of attributes specific to that scope.
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=charge" \
-d "query=somchai"
The above example returns charges where the string somchai
is found across one of the query attributes for search (for example, customer_name
When the filters
parameter is supplied, returned objects match the conditions set by the filter object.
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=charge" \
-d "filters[amount]=1000" \
-d "filters[currency]=USD"
The preceding example returns charges where the amount
field is 1000 USD.
For searching amount fields, use the base unit for a given currency, not the smallest unit (i.e.,
). So, a charge created withamount=100000
is searchable asfilters[amount]=1000
Some natural language equivalents are acceptable for boolean filters instead of true
and false
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=charge" \
-d "filters[captured]=yes"
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=charge" \
-d "filters[captured]=on"
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=charge" \
-d "filters[captured]=no"
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=charge" \
-d "filters[captured]=off"
For numeric and date filters, you can add ranges.
Some natural language equivalents (for example, this_month
) are acceptable.
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=charge" \
-d "filters[amount]=1000..2000"
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=charge" \
-d "filters[created]=2019/01/01..2019/12/31"
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=charge" \
-d "filters[created]=this_month"
The first example conducts a search for charges with an amount between 1000 and 2000 (USD, THB, JPY, etc.). The second example searches for charges with the creation date within 2019. The third example searches for charges where the creation date is this month.
Expanding ID Fields
Across the API, specific attributes can return either an identifier, the default, or the object itself.
Use the expand
parameter to return these attributes as objects.
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=refund" \
-d "expand=true"
Exporting Search Results
Specific scopes (charge, customer, dispute, recipient, refund, and transfer) can be exported.
When you create a search passing export=true
and filter_type
(one of monthly_captured
, monthly_created
, and monthly_date
), the response should include an export
attribute set to the identifier of the newly created export.
You may optionally pass filter_date
. The value defaults to the current month.
curl \
-X GET \
-d "scope=refund" \
-d "export=true" \
-d "filter_type=monthly_created"
Available Queries and Filters
Use scope=charge
to search for charge records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
amount |
Charge amount in the main unit of charge currency. For example, use 1000 for 1000 THB. |
authorized |
Whether the charge has been authorized. |
capture |
Whether the charge is set to be automatically captured (paid). |
captured |
Whether the charge has been captured (paid). |
captured_at |
UTC datetime of charge capture (payment) in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
credit_card_brand |
Card brand (e.g., Visa, Mastercard). |
card_last_digits |
Last four (4) digits of the card number. |
created |
UTC datetime of charge creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
currency |
Currency for charge as three-letter ISO 4217 code. |
disputed |
Whether the charge is disputed. |
failure_code |
Failure code if status == failed . See testing for possible codes. |
fraud |
Whether the charge is confirmed to be fraudulent. |
is_installment |
Whether the charge is an installment. |
refunded |
Charge amount refunded. |
refund_amount |
Amount for refund in common currency unit. For example, use 1000 for 1000 THB. |
scheduled |
Whether the charge is scheduled. |
source_of_fund |
Payment mode. One of card , offsite , or offline . |
source_type |
Payment source type |
status |
Charge status. One of failed , expired , pending , reversed or successful . |
voided |
Whether, in the case of a refund, the charge was voided instead. Charges are voided if a refund is processed before settlement time. |
installment_terms |
Installment term in months. See installments for allowed values (type=installment_* ). |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
id |
The charge identifier matching /chrg(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
card_bank |
Card bank name. Note: derived from issuer identification number (IIN); may not be accurate. |
card_name |
Card owner name. |
description |
Charge description. |
failure_message |
Message describing the failure if status == failed . |
metadata |
Custom metadata (e.g. {"answer": 42} ) for charge. |
Use scope=charge_schedule
to search for charge schedule records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
status |
One of:
active |
Whether the scheduled charge is active or not. Includes schedules where status==active or status==expiring |
amount |
Scheduled charge amount in the main unit of charge currency. For example, use 1000 for 1000 THB. |
created |
UTC datetime of schedule creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
card_last_digits |
Last four (4) digits of the card number. |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
recurrence_id |
The schedule identifier matching /schd(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
currency |
Currency for scheduled charge as three-letter ISO 4217 code. |
description |
Scheduled charge description. |
customer_email |
Customer email address. |
card_brand |
Card brand (e.g., Visa, Mastercard). |
card_bank |
Card bank name. Note: derived from issuer identification number (IIN); may not be accurate. |
card_name |
Card owner name. |
Use scope=customer
to search for customer records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
created |
UTC datetime of customer creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
id |
The customer identifier matching /cust(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
description |
Customer description. |
email |
Customer email address. |
metadata |
Custom metadata (e.g. {"answer": 42} ) for customer. |
Use scope=dispute
to search for dispute records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
amount |
Dispute amount in smallest unit of dispute currency. |
card_first_digits |
First six (6) digits of the card number: the issuer identification number (IIN). |
card_last_digits |
Last four (4) digits of the card number. |
charge_id |
The charge identifier matching /chrg(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
closed_at |
UTC datetime of dispute closure (i.e., status changed to won or lost ) of the dispute in ISO 8601 format. |
created |
UTC datetime of dispute creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
currency |
Currency for dispute as three-letter ISO 4217 code. |
fraud |
Whether the dispute is related to a fraudulent charge. |
status |
The dispute status. One of open , pending , won or lost . (note: won and lost disputes are retrievable using the /disputes/closed endpoint). |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
id |
The dispute identifier matching /dspt(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
card_brand |
Card brand (e.g., Visa, Mastercard). |
card_id |
The card identifier matching /card(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
card_name |
Card owner name. |
metadata |
Custom metadata (e.g. {"answer": 42} ) for dispute. |
message |
Explanation for dispute. |
reason_code |
Dispute reason code. |
reason_message |
Dispute message associated with the dispute reason code. |
Use scope=link
to search for link records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
amount |
Link amount in the main unit of link currency. For example, use 1000 for 1000 THB. |
created |
UTC datetime of link creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
currency |
Currency for link as three-letter ISO 4217 code. |
multiple |
Whether the link can be used more than once. |
used |
Whether single-use link (multiple=false ) was used. |
used_at |
UTC datetime of the usage of the link in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). Single-use links only. |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
id |
The link identifier matching /link(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
description |
Link description. |
link_reference |
URI of link. |
title |
Link title. |
Use scope=receipt
to search for receipt records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
created |
UTC datetime of receipt creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
id |
The receipt identifier matching /rcpt(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
Use scope=recipient
to search for recipient records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
active |
Whether the recipient is active. |
activated_at |
UTC datetime of the activation of the recipient in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
bank_last_digits |
Last four (4) digits of the bank account number. |
created |
UTC datetime of recipient creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
deleted |
Whether the recipient is deleted. |
failure_code |
Recipient creation failure code. One of name_mismatch , account_not_found , or bank_not_found . |
type |
Recipient type. One of individual or corporation . |
verified |
Whether the recipient is verified. |
verified_at |
UTC datetime of the verification of the recipient in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
id |
The recipient identifier matching /recp(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
bank_name |
Bank account holder name. For Japanese bank accounts, see notes on entering bank account holder names. |
bank_brand |
Bank account brand (Thailand and Singapore only). |
description |
Recipient description. |
email |
Recipient email address. |
metadata |
Custom metadata (e.g. {"answer": 42} ) for recipient. |
name |
Recipient name. |
tax_id |
Recipient tax ID. |
Use scope=refund
to search for refund records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
amount |
Refund amount in smallest unit of charge currency. |
card_first_digits |
The first six digits of the card number are the issuer identification number (IIN). |
card_last_digits |
Last four (4) digits of the card number. |
charge_id |
The charge identifier matching /chrg(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
created |
UTC datetime of refund creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
status |
Status of the refund. |
voided |
Whether the refunded charge was voided instead. Charges are voided if a refund is processed before settlement time. |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
id |
The refund identifier matching /rfnd(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
card_bank |
Card bank name. Note: derived from issuer identification number (IIN); may not be accurate. |
card_brand |
Card brand (e.g., Visa, Mastercard). |
card_id |
The card identifier matching /card(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
card_name |
Card owner name. |
charge_description |
Charge description. |
currency |
Currency for refund as three-letter ISO 4217 code. |
metadata |
Custom metadata (e.g. {"answer": 42} ) for refund. |
Use scope=transfer
to search for transfer records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
amount |
Transfer amount in smallest unit of transfer currency. |
created |
UTC datetime of transfer creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
currency |
Currency for transfer as three-letter ISO 4217 code. |
fee |
Omise transfer fee. |
paid |
Whether the transfer was paid. |
paid_at |
UTC datetime of the transfer payment in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
sent |
Whether the transfer was sent. |
sent_at |
UTC datetime of the transfer send event in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
id |
The transfer identifier matching /trsf(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
bank_name |
Bank account holder name. For Japanese bank accounts, see notes on entering bank account holder names. |
bank_brand |
Bank account brand (Thailand and Singapore only). |
failure_code |
Failure code for transfer. One of insufficient_balance , invalid_recipient , transfers_suspended , transfer_deleted , transfer_sent , or transfer_failed . |
failure_message |
Message describing the failure if failure_code exists. |
metadata |
Custom metadata (e.g. {"answer": 42} ) for transfer. |
recipient_email |
Recipient email address. |
recipient_id |
Recipient identifier to which the transfer was sent. |
recipient_name |
Name of recipient to which transfer was sent. |
transaction_id |
The transaction identifier matching /trxn(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
Use scope=transfer_schedule
to search for transfer schedule records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
status |
One of:
active |
Whether the scheduled transfer is active or not. Includes schedules where status==active or status==expiring |
created |
UTC datetime of schedule creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
recurrence_id |
The schedule identifier matching /schd(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
recipient_name |
Name of recipient of scheduled transfer. |
Use scope=transaction
to search for transaction records.
The following queries and filters are specific to this scope.
Search for a specific value using the following keys in a filters
Key | Description |
amount |
Transaction amount in smallest unit of transaction currency. |
created |
UTC datetime of transaction creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ). |
currency |
Currency for transaction as three-letter ISO 4217 code. |
hold_until |
UTC datetime of when transaction amount becomes part of available balance in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ) (also searchable as transferable_at ) |
kind |
Kind of transaction. One of balance_lost , balance_recovered , charge_captured , charge_captured_platform_fee , dispute_started , dispute_won , dispute_overturned_loss , dispute_overturned_win , invoice_paid , receipt_adjusted , refund_paid , refund_processed , refund_voided , transfer_failed , transfer_sent , transfer_waived . |
Search across the following keys using a query
Key | Description |
id |
The transaction identifier matching /trxn(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/ . |
record_id |
Origin for transaction. One of charge identifier, refund identifier, transfer identifier, dispute identifier, or receipt identifier. |