Charge API
Charge API สามารถใช้เพื่อสร้าง, เรียกข้อมูล และอัปเดตรายการรับชำระเงิน ทั้งในส่วนของจำนวนและสกุลเงิน กับบัตร, ลูกค้า (ตัวอย่างเช่น บัตรหลักของลูกค้า) หรือ source รายการรับชำระเงินที่ได้รับการอนุมัติแล้วสามารถที่จะตัดวงเงินในภายหลังได้ หรือในรายการที่ยังไม่ได้ทำการตัดวงเงินก็สามารถที่จะทำการคืนวงเงินได้ ทางร้านค้าสามารถเลือกที่จะเพิ่มข้อมูล metadata ไว้กับรายการรับชำระเงินได้
Name | Type | Description |
object | string | The string |
id | string | The charge identifier matching |
livemode | boolean | Whether this is a live ( |
location | string | API path to retrieve the current |
acquirer_reference_number | string | Reference number for the charge initiated by the customer. This information is sent as part of the settlement report to Visa and Master Card. |
amount | integer | Charge amount in smallest unit of charge currency. |
approval_code | string | Approval code |
authorization_type | string | Determines the final amount to capture. See parameters for more details. |
authorize_uri | string | URI for payment authorization (e.g. 3-D Secure). |
authorized | boolean | Whether charge has been authorized. |
authorized_amount | integer | Maximum amount that has been authorized for a specific card charge. |
authorized_at | string | UTC datetime of charge authorization in ISO 8601 format ( |
branch | object_id_expandable | Physical location of a merchant terminal. |
can_perform_void | boolean | Whether the charge can be voided or not. |
capturable | boolean | Whether charge is able to be captured (paid). |
capture | boolean | Whether charge is set to be automatically captured (paid). |
captured_amount | integer | Captured amount |
card | card | Card that was charged (if card was charged). |
created_at | string | UTC datetime of charge creation in ISO 8601 format ( |
currency | string | Currency for charge as three-letter ISO 4217 code. |
customer | object_id_expandable | Customer associated with charge. |
description | string | Charge description. |
device | object_id_expandable | Physical hardware linked to a terminal. |
disputable | boolean | Whether charge is able to be disputed. |
dispute | dispute | Dispute associated with charge. |
expired | boolean | Whether charge has expired. |
expired_at | string | UTC datetime of actual charge expiration in ISO 8601 format ( |
expires_at | string | UTC datetime of expected charge expiration in ISO 8601 format ( |
failure_code | string | Failure code if |
failure_message | string | Message describing the failure if |
fee | integer | Omise charge fee. |
fee_vat | integer | Value-added Tax (VAT) applied to |
funding_amount | integer | For multi-currency charges, For non-multi-currency charges, |
funding_currency | string | Currency for account as three-letter ISO 4217 code. This is the settlement currency for all charges. |
interest | integer | Interest paid by customer or merchant over the course of an installment term. |
interest_vat | integer | Value-added Tax (VAT) applied to |
ip | string | IP address provided to Omise at charge creation. It may be IPv4 or IPv6. |
link | object_id_expandable | Link identifier for charge (if any). |
linked_account | linked_account | The linked account object for direct debit. |
merchant_advice | string | The error description contains merchant advice on how to treat the declined response. |
merchant_advice_code | string | Numerical representation of the merchant_advice. |
merchant_name | string | The name of the sub-merchant who initiated the charge. Note: This field is applicable only if the merchant uses the Payfac solution. To enroll in Payfac, contact Omise Support. |
merchant_uid | string | The ID of the sub-merchant who initiated the charge. Note: This field is applicable only if the merchant uses the Payfac solution. To enroll in Payfac, contact Omise Support. |
metadata | object | Custom metadata (e.g. { |
missing_3ds_fields | object | TBD |
multi_capture | boolean | TBD |
net | integer |
paid | boolean | Whether charge has been captured (paid). |
paid_at | string | UTC datetime of the charge payment in ISO 8601 format ( |
partially_refundable | boolean | Indicates whether a charge’s type (credit card, QR, Promptpay) is partially refundable. |
platform_fee | object | Platform fee object as |
refundable | boolean | Whether charge is able to be refunded. |
refunded_amount | integer | Refunded amount in smallest unit of |
refunds | list | List of refunds. |
return_uri | string | URI to which customer is redirected after 3-D Secure card authorization or other redirect-based authorization. |
reversed | boolean | Whether charge authorization has been reversed. |
reversed_at | string | UTC datetime of charge authorization reversal in ISO 8601 format ( |
reversible | boolean | Whether charge authorization is able to be reversed. |
schedule | object_id_expandable | Schedule associated with the charge. |
source | source | Source that was charged (if a source was charged). |
status | string | Charge status. One of |
terminal | object_id_expandable | Point of sale within a branch. |
transaction | object_id_expandable | Transaction generated by charge. |
transaction_fees | object | Transaction fees |
unmanaged_payment | object | Unmanaged payment information |
voided | boolean | Whether, in the case of a refund, charge was voided instead. Charges are voided if refund is processed before settlement time. |
zero_interest_installments | boolean | Whether merchant absorbs the interest for installment payments; must match value in associated source. |
JSON Response
{ "object": "charge", "id": "chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "location": "/charges/chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "amount": 12345, "net": 11862, "fee": 451, "fee_vat": 32, "interest": 0, "interest_vat": 0, "funding_amount": 12345, "refunded_amount": 0, "transaction_fees": { "fee_flat": "0.0", "fee_rate": "3.65", "vat_rate": "7.0" }, "platform_fee": { "fixed": null, "amount": null, "percentage": null }, "currency": "THB", "funding_currency": "THB", "ip": "", "refunds": { "object": "list", "data": [], "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "total": 0, "location": "/charges/chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo/refunds", "order": "chronological", "from": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "to": "2019-12-31T12:59:59Z" }, "link": null, "description": null, "metadata": { "order_id": "P26042018-01", "color": "pink" }, "card": { "object": "card", "id": "card_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "livemode": false, "location": null, "deleted": false, "street1": "1448/4 Praditmanutham Road", "street2": null, "city": "Bangkok", "state": null, "phone_number": "0123456789", "postal_code": "10320", "country": "th", "financing": "credit", "bank": "Bank of the Unbanked", "brand": "Visa", "fingerprint": "XjOdjaoHRvUGRfmZacMPcJtm0U3SEIIfkA7534dQeVw=", "first_digits": null, "last_digits": "4242", "name": "Somchai Prasert", "expiration_month": 12, "expiration_year": 2024, "security_code_check": true, "tokenization_method": null, "created_at": "2019-12-31T12:59:59Z" }, "source": null, "schedule": null, "customer": null, "dispute": null, "transaction": "trxn_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "failure_code": null, "failure_message": null, "status": "successful", "authorize_uri": "", "return_uri": "", "created_at": "2019-12-31T12:59:59Z", "paid_at": "2019-12-31T12:59:59Z", "expires_at": "2019-12-31T12:59:59Z", "expired_at": null, "reversed_at": null, "zero_interest_installments": true, "branch": null, "terminal": null, "device": null, "authorized": true, "capturable": false, "capture": true, "disputable": true, "livemode": false, "refundable": true, "reversed": false, "reversible": false, "voided": false, "paid": true, "expired": false }
Capture a charge
- POST{id}/captureCapture a charge that has not yet been captured (parameter capture=false
passed at charge creation). Posting to this endpoint after charge expiration will result in an expired charge error. Any other issue processing capture will result in an failed capture error.
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
capture_amount | integer | (optional) Denotes the amount in the smallest unit of charge currency to capture. This is the amount processed and transferred from the customer’s account to the merchant’s account using the capture API. The amount may be equal to the authorized amount in case of a final authorization, or may be a part of the authorized amount in case of a pre-authorization. This field is required only for Single Partial Capture. |
Capture a charge
- curl
- php
- node.js
- ruby
- C#
- java
- python
- go
- elixir
curl \ -X POST \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY:
<?php $charge = OmiseCharge::retrieve('chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz'); $charge->capture();
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.capture('chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo'); console.log(charge);
require "omise" Omise.secret_api_key = "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x" charge = Omise::Charge.retrieve("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz") charge.capture
var charge = RetrieveUncapturedCharge(); charge = await Client.Charges.Capture(charge.Id); Console.WriteLine($"captured charge: ({charge.Paid}) {charge.Id}");
Request<Charge> request = new Charge.CaptureRequestBuilder("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz").build(); Charge charge = client().sendRequest(request); System.out.printf("Captured charge: %s", charge.getId());
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" charge = omise.Charge.retrieve("chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo") charge.capture()
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Charge{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.CaptureCharge{ ChargeID: "chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", }) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Omise.configure(secret_key: "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x") Omise.Charge.capture("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz")
Create a charge
- POST creating a new charge, first create a token and then create a charge. Token creation is done by a client-side or server-side program, and charging is done by a server-side program (please do not implement charging on the client side).
Successfully posting to this endpoint will either authorize a charge
on a card (for later capture) or directly capture a charge from a card or source. In case the charge fails, this endpoint will either return one of several errors or else a charge with failure_code
set to one of the following:
failure_code |
Description |
confirmed_amount_mismatch |
Final amount from payment channel does not match original amount charged |
failed_fraud_check |
Card was marked as fraudulent. |
failed_processing |
General payment processing failure. |
insufficient_balance /insufficient_fund |
Insufficient funds in the account or the card has reached the credit limit. |
invalid_account_number /invalid_account |
Valid account for payment method not found. |
payment_cancelled |
Payment cancelled by payer. |
payment_rejected |
Payment rejected by issuer. |
expired_card |
Card is expired. |
stolen_or_lost_card |
Card stolen or lost. |
timeout |
Payment provider did not respond in time. |
When testing credit cards charges, you can make the API return the above responses using special test credit card numbers.
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
amount | integer | (required) Amount for charge in smallest currency unit. If charging a source, amount must match amount specified in the source at its creation.
currency | string | (required) Currency for the charge. If charging a source, currency must match currency specified in the source at its creation. |
authorization_type | string | (optional) One of: a. b. |
capture | boolean | (optional, default: |
card | string | |
customer | string | (optional, but conditionally required) A valid identifier for a customer that has at least one card already associated. By default, the default card of the customer will be used. Required if passing a card identifier in the card parameter. If passing a token identifier in the card parameter, this parameter must not be present. If needed, you can pass the customer as an object for charge creation. See the examples for details. |
description | string | (optional, but recommended) Charge description. Supplying information about a purchase (e.g., number of items, type of items, date of delivery) helps Omise better conduct fraud analysis. |
expires_at | string | (optional) UTC datetime of desired charge expiration in ISO 8601 format ( Supported by:
Note: This list is not exhaustive. Please consult the specific payment method to check if this field is supported. |
first_charge | string | (optional) The Charge ID of the first transaction in the recurring cycle. Passed as an optional parameter to increase the likelihood of approval when creating recurring charges. |
ip | string | (optional, but recommended) The IP address to attach to the charge. Supplying the customer's actual IP address—it may be IPv4 or IPv6 — helps Omise conduct fraud analysis better. |
linked_account | string | (optional) The linked account object for direct debit. |
metadata | object | (optional) Custom metadata (e.g. { |
platform_fee | object | (optional) Platform fee object as |
recurring_reason | string | (optional) One of:
return_uri | string | (optional, but conditionally required) URI to which customer is redirected after 3-D Secure card authorization or other redirect-based authorization. Required if account is set to use 3-D Secure or any other redirect-based authorization for payment. On payment methods that require opening the external app (e.g. mobile banking app) to authorize the transaction, set the return_uri to a deeplink or applink to be able to open the merchant app. Else, after the card holder completes authorizing the transaction on the external app, the flow redirects to the normal link in the return_uri and opens it on the browser app, and therefore results in the payment not being completed. |
source | string | (optional, but conditionally required) Valid source identifier or source object. See Source API for source request parameters. Required if |
transaction_indicator | string | (optional) Indicates who initiated the charge. One of:
Allows Omise to format the authorization request accordingly. |
webhook_endpoints | array | (optional) URLs to which charge notifications are to be sent. This field can contain a maximum of two URLs. Each URL must be secure (HTTPS) and must not be:
All event notifications related to the associated charge and refund (if any) will be delivered to the URLs defined here instead of the default |
zero_interest_installments | boolean | (optional, one of: |
Create an Alipay charge
- curl
- php
- node.js
- ruby
- C#
- java
- python
- go
- elixir
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "amount=100000" \ -d "currency=thb" \ -d "return_uri=" \ -d "source[type]=alipay"
<?php $charge = OmiseCharge::create(array( 'amount' => 100000, 'currency' => 'thb', 'return_uri' => '', 'source' => 'src_test_59wbyjr7jz44d8nzcd6' ));
omise.charges.create({ 'amount': '100000', 'currency': 'thb', 'return_uri': '', 'source': 'src_test_59wbyjr7jz44d8nzcd6' }, function(error, charge) { /* Response. */ });
require "omise" Omise.secret_api_key = "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x" charge = Omise::Charge.create({ amount: 100000, currency: "thb", description: "an alipay charge", return_uri: "", source: "src_test_59wbyjr7jz44d8nzcd6" })
var returnUri = ""; var source = "src_test_59wbyjr7jz44d8nzcd6"; var charge = await Client.Charges.Create(new CreateChargeRequest { Amount = 2000, Currency = "thb", ReturnUri = returnUri, Source = source, }); Console.WriteLine($"created charge: {charge.Id}");
Request<Source> sourceRequest = new Source.CreateRequestBuilder() .type(SourceType.Alipay) .amount(10000) .currency("THB") .build(); Source source = client.sendRequest(sourceRequest); Request<Charge> createChargeRequest = new Charge.CreateRequestBuilder() .source(source.getId()) .amount(10000) .currency("THB") .returnUri("") .build(); Charge charge = client.sendRequest(createChargeRequest); System.out.printf("Created charge: " + charge.getId());
import omise omise.api_version = "2017-11-02" omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" charge = omise.Charge.create( amount=12345, currency="thb", return_uri="", source="src_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", )
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Charge{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.CreateCharge{ Amount: 204842, // THB 2,048.42 Currency: "thb", ReturnURI: "", Source: "src_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", }) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Omise.configure(secret_key: "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x") Omise.Charge.create( amount: 100000, currency: "thb", return_uri: "", source: "src_test_59wbyjr7jz44d8nzcd6" )
Create an Installment Payment charge
- curl
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "description=Charge with source" \ -d "amount=500000" \ -d "currency=THB" \ -d "return_uri=" \ -d "source[type]=installment_kbank" \ -d "source[installment_term]=4"
Create an Internet Banking charge
- curl
- php
- node.js
- ruby
- C#
- java
- python
- go
- elixir
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "amount=100000" \ -d "currency=thb" \ -d "return_uri=" \ -d "source[type]=internet_banking_scb"
<?php $charge = OmiseCharge::create(array( 'amount' => 100000, 'currency' => 'thb', 'return_uri' => '', 'source' => 'src_test_59wbyjr7jz44d8nzcd6' ));
omise.charges.create({ 'amount': '100000', 'currency': 'thb', 'return_uri': '', 'source': 'src_test_59wbyjr7jz44d8nzcd6' }, function(error, charge) { /* Response. */ });
require "omise" Omise.secret_api_key = "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x" charge = Omise::Charge.create({ amount: 100000, currency: "thb", return_uri: "", source: "src_test_59wbyjr7jz44d8nzcd6" })
var returnUri = ""; var source = "src_test_59wbyjr7jz44d8nzcd6"; var charge = await Client.Charges.Create(new CreateChargeRequest { Amount = 2000, Currency = "thb", ReturnUri = returnUri, Source = source, }); Console.WriteLine($"created charge: {charge.Id}");
Request<Source> sourceRequest = new Source.CreateRequestBuilder() .type(SourceType.InternetBankingBay) .amount(10000) .currency("THB") .build(); Source source = client.sendRequest(sourceRequest); Request<Charge> createChargeRequest = new Charge.CreateRequestBuilder() .source(source.getId()) .amount(10000) .currency("THB") .returnUri("") .build(); Charge charge = client.sendRequest(createChargeRequest); System.out.printf("Created charge: " + charge.getId());
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" omise.api_version = "2017-11-02" charge = omise.Charge.create( amount=12345, currency="thb", return_uri="", source="src_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", )
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Charge{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.CreateCharge{ Amount: 204842, // THB 2,048.42 Currency: "thb", ReturnURI: "", Source: "src_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", }) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Omise.configure(secret_key: "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x") Omise.Charge.create( amount: 100000, currency: "thb", return_uri: "", source: "src_test_59wbyjr7jz44d8nzcd6" )
Create a charge and new customer
- curl
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "amount=100000" \ -d "currency=thb" \ -d "customer[card]=tokn_test_60kw4dxb9redghzf8zs" \ -d "customer[metadata]=ORDER-1234" \ -d "customer[description]=Details about the purchase" \ -d "customer[email]"
Create a charge for an existing customer with a new card
- curl
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "amount=100000" \ -d "currency=thb" \ -d "customer[id]=cust_test_60kifc4zbmmj64570g9" \ -d "customer[card]=tokn_test_60kw4dxb9redghzf8zs" \ -d "customer[metadata]=ORDER-1234" \ -d "customer[description]=Details about the purchase" \ -d "customer[email]"
Create and charge a new source
- curl
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "amount=100000" \ -d "currency=thb" \ -d "return_uri=" \ -d "source[type]=alipay"
Charge a card using a customer and a card
- curl
- php
- node.js
- ruby
- C#
- java
- python
- go
- elixir
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "amount=100000" \ -d "currency=thb" \ -d "customer=cust_test_60kifc4zbmmj64570g9" \ -d "card=card_test_60kiedwwd2obbiztswl" \ -d "description=Details about the purchase (e.g. number of items, type of items, date of delivery)" \ -d "ip="
<?php $charge = OmiseCharge::create(array( 'amount' => 100000, 'currency' => 'thb', 'customer' => 'cust_test_4xtrb759599jsxlhkrb', 'card' => 'card_test_4xtsoy2nbfs7ujngyyq' ));
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.create({ amount: '100000', currency: 'thb', customer: 'cust_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', card: 'card_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); console.log(charge);
require "omise" Omise.secret_api_key = "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x" charge = Omise::Charge.create({ amount: 100000, currency: "thb", customer: "cust_test_4xtrb759599jsxlhkrb", card: "card_test_4xtsoy2nbfs7ujngyyq" })
var customerId = "cust_test_5665swqhhb3mioax1y7"; var cardId = "card_test_5665swpkm6tv47htmuv"; var charge = await Client.Charges.Create(new CreateChargeRequest { Amount = 2000, Currency = "thb", Customer = customerId, Card = cardId, }); Console.WriteLine($"created charge: {charge.Id}");
public void createChargeFromCustomer() throws IOException, OmiseException { Request < Charge > createChargeRequest = new Charge.CreateRequestBuilder().customer(CUSTOMER_ID).card(CARD_ID) .amount(2000) .currency("thb") .capture(true) .build(); Charge charge = client.sendRequest(createChargeRequest); System.out.println("created charge: " + charge.getId()); } }
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" charge = omise.Charge.create( amount=100000, currency="thb", customer="cust_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", card="card_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", return_uri="", )
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Charge{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.CreateCharge{ Amount: 204842, // THB 2,048.42 Currency: "thb", Description: "example charge.", Card: "card_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", Customer: "cust_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", }) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Omise.configure(secret_key: "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x") Omise.Charge.create( amount: 100000, currency: "thb", customer: "cust_test_4xtrb759599jsxlhkrb", card: "card_test_4xtsoy2nbfs7ujngyyq" )
Charge a card using a customer
- curl
- php
- node.js
- ruby
- C#
- java
- python
- go
- elixir
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "amount=100000" \ -d "currency=thb" \ -d "customer=cust_test_60kifc4zbmmj64570g9"
<?php $charge = OmiseCharge::create(array( 'amount' => 100000, 'currency' => 'thb', 'customer' => 'cust_test_4xtrb759599jsxlhkrb' ));
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.create({ amount: '100000', currency: 'thb', customer: 'cust_test_ no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); console.log(charge);
require "omise" Omise.secret_api_key = "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x" charge = Omise::Charge.create({ amount: 100000, currency: "thb", customer: "cust_test_4xtrb759599jsxlhkrb" })
var customerId = "cust_test_5665swqhhb3mioax1y7"; var charge = await Client.Charges.Create(new CreateChargeRequest { Amount = 2000, Currency = "thb", Customer = customerId, }); Console.WriteLine($"created charge: {charge.Id}");
Request<Charge> request = new Charge.CreateRequestBuilder() .amount(100000) .currency("thb") .customer("cust_test_4xtrb759599jsxlhkrb") .build(); Charge charge = client().sendRequest(request); System.out.printf("created charge: %s", charge.getId());
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" charge = omise.Charge.create( amount=100000, currency="thb", customer="cust_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", return_uri="", )
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Charge{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.CreateCharge{ Amount: 204842, // THB 2,048.42 Currency: "thb", Description: "customer charge.", Customer: "cust_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", }) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Omise.configure(secret_key: "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x") Omise.Charge.create( amount: 100000, currency: "thb", customer: "cust_test_4xtrb759599jsxlhkrb", )
Charge a card while adding metadata
- curl
- php
- node.js
- go
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "amount=10000" \ -d "currency=thb" \ -d "customer=cust_test_60kifc4zbmmj64570g9" \ -d "metadata[order_id]=ORDER-1234" \ -d "metadata[color]=black"
<?php $charge = OmiseCharge::create(array( 'amount' => 10000, 'currency' => 'thb', 'customer' => 'cust_test_6b9yyfcxvuowurp7zsh', 'metadata' => array( 'order_id' => 'ORDER_ID', 'color' => 'pink' ) ));
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.create({ amount: '100000', currency: 'thb', customer: 'cust_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', metadata: { order_id: '123456', color: 'black', }, }); console.log(charge);
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Charge{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.CreateCharge{ Amount: 204842, // THB 2,048.42 Currency: "thb", Description: "customer charge.", Customer: "cust_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", Metadata: map[string]string{ "OrderID": "123456", "Color": "Black", } }) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Charge a card using a token
- curl
- php
- node.js
- ruby
- C#
- java
- python
- go
- elixir
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "amount=100000" \ -d "currency=thb" \ -d "card=tokn_test_60kw4dxb9redghzf8zs"
<?php $charge = OmiseCharge::create(array( 'amount' => 100000, 'currency' => 'thb', 'card' => 'tokn_test_4xs9408a642a1htto8z' ));
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.create({ amount: '100000', currency: 'thb', card: 'tokn_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); console.log(charge);
require "omise" Omise.secret_api_key = "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x" charge = Omise::Charge.create({ amount: 100000, currency: "thb", card: "tokn_test_4xs9408a642a1htto8z" })
var token = await RetrieveToken(); var charge = await Client.Charges.Create(new CreateChargeRequest { Amount = 2000, Currency = "thb", Card = token.Id, Metadata = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "order_id", "123" } }, }); Console.WriteLine($"created charge: {charge.Id}");
Request<Token> tokenRequest = new Token.CreateRequestBuilder() .card(new Card.Create() .name("John Doe") .number("4242424242424242") .securityCode("123") .expiration(10, 2020)) .build(); Token token = client.sendRequest(tokenRequest); System.out.printf("Created token: " + token.getId()); Request<Charge> createChargeRequest = new Charge.CreateRequestBuilder() .amount(100000) .currency("THB") .card(token.getId()) .build(); Charge charge = client().sendRequest(createChargeRequest); System.out.printf("Created charge: %s", charge.getId());
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" charge = omise.Charge.create( amount=100000, currency="thb", card="tokn_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", return_uri="", )
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Charge{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.CreateCharge{ Amount: 204842, // THB 2,048.42 Currency: "thb", Card: "tokn_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", }) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Omise.configure(secret_key: "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x") Omise.Charge.create( amount: 100000, currency: "thb", card: "tokn_test_4xs9408a642a1htto8z" )
Expire a pending charge
- POST{id}/expireSet a charge that has not yet been authorized (status=pending
) to
expire. Supported by charges with the following source[type]
: alipay_cn
, barcode_alipay
, dana
, gcash
, kakaopay
, paypay
or touch_n_go
Expire a pending charge
- curl
- node.js
curl \ -X POST \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY:
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.expire('chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo'); console.log(charge);
List charges
- GET a list of charges belonging to your account.
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
from | string | (optional, default: |
limit | integer | (optional, default: |
offset | integer | (optional, default: |
order | string | (optional, default: |
to | string | (optional) Latest UTC datetime for returned records in ISO 8601 format ( |
List all charges
- curl
- php
- node.js
- ruby
- C#
- java
- python
- go
- elixir
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY:
<?php $charges = OmiseCharge::retrieve();
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.list(); console.log(charge);
require "omise" Omise.secret_api_key = "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x" charges = Omise::Charge.list
var charges = await Client.Charges.GetList(order: Ordering.Chronological); Console.WriteLine($"total charges: {charges.Total}");
Request<ScopedList<Charge>> request = new Charge.ListRequestBuilder().build(); ScopedList<Charge> charges = client().sendRequest(request); System.out.printf("Total no. of charges: %d", charges.getTotal());
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" charges = omise.Charge.retrieve()
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.ChargeList{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.ListCharges{ operations.List{ Limit: 100, From: time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Hour), }, }) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Omise.configure(secret_key: "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x") Omise.Charge.list
List charges for a link
- GET{id}/chargesReturns a list of charges associated with a link.
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
from | string | (optional, default: |
limit | integer | (optional, default: |
offset | integer | (optional, default: |
order | string | (optional, default: |
to | string | (optional) Latest UTC datetime for returned records in ISO 8601 format ( |
Mark a charge as failed
- POST{id}/mark_as_failedMark a test charge as failed. Not supported by all payment methods.
Mark a test charge as failed
- curl
curl \ -X POST \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY:
Mark a charge as paid
- POST{id}/mark_as_paidMark a test charge as paid. Not supported by all payment methods.
Mark a test charge as paid
- curl
curl \ -X POST \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY:
Retrieve a charge
- GET{id}Returns the charge matching :id
Retrieve a charge
- curl
- php
- node.js
- ruby
- C#
- java
- python
- go
- elixir
curl \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY:
<?php $charge = OmiseCharge::retrieve("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz");
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.retrieve('chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo'); console.log(charge);
require "omise" Omise.secret_api_key = "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x" charge = Omise::Charge.retrieve("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz")
var chargeId = "chrg_test_58e1ybdog1y8f5z97l8"; var charge = await Client.Charges.Get(chargeId); Console.WriteLine($"charge amount: {charge.Amount}");
Request<Charge> request = new Charge.GetRequestBuilder("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz").build(); Charge charge = client().sendRequest(request); System.out.printf("Charge amount: %d", charge.getAmount());
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" charge = omise.Charge.retrieve("chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo")
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Charge{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.RetrieveCharge{"chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo"}) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Omise.configure(secret_key: "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x") Omise.Charge.retrieve("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz")
Reverse a charge
- POST{id}/reverseReverse a charge that has not yet been captured (parameter capture=false
passed at charge creation).
Reverse an uncaptured charge
- curl
- php
- node.js
- ruby
- C#
- java
- python
- go
- elixir
curl \ -X POST \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY:
$charge = OmiseCharge::retrieve('chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz'); $charge->reverse();
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.reverse('chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo'); console.log(charge);
require "omise" Omise.secret_api_key = "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x" charge = Omise::Charge.retrieve("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz") charge.reverse
var charge = RetrieveUncapturedCharge(); charge = await Client.Charges.Reverse(charge.Id); Console.WriteLine($"reversed charge: ({charge.Reversed}) {charge.Id}");
Request<Charge> request = new Charge.ReverseRequestBuilder("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz").build(); Charge charge = client().sendRequest(request); System.out.printf("Charge reversal: %s", String.valueOf(charge.isReversed()));
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" charge = omise.Charge.retrieve("chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo") charge.reverse()
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Charge{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.ReverseCharge{"chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo"}) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Omise.configure(secret_key: "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x") Omise.Charge.reverse("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz")
Update a charge
- PATCH{id}Update attributes for a charge.
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
description | string | (optional, but recommended) Charge description. Supplying information about a purchase (e.g., number of items, type of items, date of delivery) helps Omise better conduct fraud analysis. |
metadata | object | (optional) Custom metadata (e.g. { |
Update charge description
- curl
- php
- node.js
- ruby
- C#
- java
- python
- go
- elixir
curl \ -X PATCH \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "description=Another description"
<?php $charge = OmiseCharge::retrieve('chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz'); $charge->update(array( 'description' => 'Another description' ));
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.update( 'chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', { description: 'Another description' }, ); console.log(charge);
require "omise" Omise.secret_api_key = "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x" charge = Omise::Charge.retrieve("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz") charge.update(description: "Another description")
var charge = RetrieveUncapturedCharge(); charge = await Client.Charges.Update(charge.Id, new UpdateChargeRequest { Description = "hello", Metadata = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "order_id", "123" }, } }); Console.WriteLine($"updated charge: {charge.Id} {charge.Description}");
Request<Charge> request = new Charge.UpdateRequestBuilder("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz") .description("This is not the same") .build(); Charge charge = client().sendRequest(request); System.out.printf("Updated description: %s", charge.getDescription());
import omise omise.api_secret = "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" charge = omise.Charge.retrieve("chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo") charge.update(description="An updated description") # Or alternatively: charge.description = "An additional updated description" charge.update()
client, _ := omise.NewClient( "pkey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", "skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", ) result := &omise.Charge{} err := client.Do(result, &operations.UpdateCharge{ ChargeID: "chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo", Description: "Made on Tuesday", }) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(result)
Omise.configure(secret_key: "skey_test_4xs8breq3htbkj03d2x") Omise.Charge.update("chrg_test_4xso2s8ivdej29pqnhz", description: "Another description")
Update charge metadata
- curl
- php
- node.js
curl \ -X PATCH \ -u $OMISE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "metadata[order_id]=ORDER-1234" \ -d "metadata[color]=black"
<?php $charge = OmiseCharge::retrieve('chrg_test_6bp4e1mr40jni2imuan'); $charge->update(array( 'metadata' => array( 'order_id' => 'ORDER_ID', 'color' => 'red' ) ));
const omise = require('omise')({ secretKey: 'skey_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', }); const charge = await omise.charges.update( 'chrg_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo', { metadata: { order_id: '123456', color: 'black', }, }, ); console.log(charge);