Schedule API

Schedule API ใช้ในการสร้าง, เรียกดู และลบรายการรับชำระเงินหรือราย การโอนเงิน ที่ได้มีการตั้งค่าให้ดำเนินการแบบอัตโนมัติไว้ล่วงหน้า ตัวอย่างเช่น การรับชำระเงินค่าสมาชิกรายเดือนหรือการโอนเงินออกรายสัปดาห์

ในส่วนของการเรียกดูข้อมูลความถี่ในการดำเนินการที่ได้ตั้งค่าไว้ สามารถเรียกใช้ Occurrence API


Name Type Description
object string

The string schedule.

id string

The schedule identifier matching /schd(_test)?_[0-9a-z]+/.

livemode boolean

Whether this is a live (true) or test (false) schedule.

location string

API path to retrieve the current schedule object.

active boolean

Whether schedule is status running or expiring.

charge charge_schedule
created_at string

UTC datetime of schedule creation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).

deleted boolean

Whether schedule is deleted.

deleted_by string


end_on string

End date of schedule in ISO 8601 format.

ended_at string

Actual end date of schedule in ISO 8601 format.

every integer

How often schedule should run when applied to period. For example, if set to 3 and period is set to week, schedule should run every 3 weeks.

execute_time string


in_words string

Schedule expressed as an English sentence. E.g.: Every 2 months on the 15th, Every 3 days, Every week on monday and friday.

next_occurrences_on array

Up to 30 upcoming occurrence dates in ISO 8601 format. Empty in case of expired, suspended or deleted schedule.

occurrences list

List of occurrence objects.

on object

Object specifying schedule timing.

period string

Period to use for every. One of day, week or month. For example, if set to week and every is set to 3 schedule should run every 3 weeks.

start_on string

Start date of schedule in ISO 8601 format.

state string

Indicates whether the schedule is Active or Paused.

status string

The current status of the schedule. One of:

  • active: The schedule is running.
  • expiring: The schedule's next occurrence is its last.
  • expired: The schedule has reached its last occurrence and is not running anymore.
  • deleted: The schedule has been deleted and is not running anymore.
  • paused: The schedule is paused
  • suspended: The schedule could not be completed and was stopped. Schedules are suspended three (3) days after the charge is unsuccessful. as Omise systems will retry three (3) times, one time per day.

transfer transfer_schedule


  • JSON Response

Create a schedule


Creates and returns a new schedule.

Note: From the Omise dashboard, you can upload data of multiple cards as a batch for multiple schedules to be created automatically.

Request Parameters

Name Type Description
end_date string

(required) End date of schedule in ISO 8601 format.

every integer

(required) How often schedule should run when applied to period. For example, if set to 3 and period is set to week, schedule should run every 3 weeks.

period string

(required, one of: day, week, month) Period to use for every. One of day, week or month. For example, if set to week and every is set to 3 schedule should run every 3 weeks.

start_date string

(required) Start date of schedule in ISO 8601 format.

charge object

(optional, but conditionally required) Charge schedule object. Use when creating a charge schedule.

When creating a charge schedule, pass the following parameters:

Name Type Required? Description
amount integer yes Scheduled charge amount in the smallest unit of charge currency.
card string no Identifier for the card to be charged.
currency string no Currency for the scheduled charge as a three-letter ISO 4217 code.
customer string yes Identifier for the customer to be charged.
description string no Scheduled charge description.
on object

(optional) Object specifying schedule timing.

transfer object

(optional, but conditionally required) Transfer schedule object. Use when creating a transfer schedule.

When creating a transfer schedule, pass the following parameters:

Name Type Required? Description
amount integer no Scheduled transfer amount in the smallest unit of charge currency.
currency string no Currency for the scheduled transfer as a three-letter ISO 4217 code.
percentage_of_balance float no Percentage of balance to transfer.
recipient string yes Identifier for the recipient of the scheduled transfer.


  • Charge a specific customer every 2 days

  • Transfer a fixed amount every 2 days

  • Charge on the 1st every 3 months

  • Charge on the second Monday every month

  • Transfer the whole balance on the second Monday every month

  • Transfer the whole balance on the 1st every 3 months

  • Charge every Monday and Friday

  • Transfer a percentage of the balance every Monday and Friday

Destroy a schedule

- DELETE{id}

Destroys the schedule matching :id.


  • Destroy a schedule

List schedules


Returns a list of charge and transfer schedules belonging to your account.

Request Parameters

Name Type Description
from string

(optional, default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) Earliest UTC datetime for returned records in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).

limit integer

(optional, default: 20) Number of records returned.

offset integer

(optional, default: 0) Offset of the first record returned (i.e. how many records to skip from the beginning).

order string

(optional, default: chronological, one of: chronological, reverse_chronological) Order of records returned.

to string

(optional) Latest UTC datetime for returned records in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).


  • List all schedules

List charge schedules for customer

- GET{id}/schedules

Returns a list of schedules belonging to customer matching :id.

Request Parameters

Name Type Description
from string

(optional, default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) Earliest UTC datetime for returned records in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).

limit integer

(optional, default: 20) Number of records returned.

offset integer

(optional, default: 0) Offset of the first record returned (i.e. how many records to skip from the beginning).

order string

(optional, default: chronological, one of: chronological, reverse_chronological) Order of records returned.

to string

(optional) Latest UTC datetime for returned records in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).


  • List all charge schedules for a customer

List transfer schedules for recipient

- GET{id}/schedules

Returns a list of transfer schedules belonging to recipient matching :id.

Request Parameters

Name Type Description
from string

(optional, default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) Earliest UTC datetime for returned records in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).

limit integer

(optional, default: 20) Number of records returned.

offset integer

(optional, default: 0) Offset of the first record returned (i.e. how many records to skip from the beginning).

order string

(optional, default: chronological, one of: chronological, reverse_chronological) Order of records returned.

to string

(optional) Latest UTC datetime for returned records in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).


  • List all transfer schedules for recipient

Retrieve a schedule

- GET{id}

Returns the schedule matching :id.


  • Retrieve a schedule

เว็ปไซต์นี้มีการใช้คุกกี้เพื่อวิเคราะห์การใช้และปรับการใช้งานให้เหมาะกับท่าน เมื่อกดยอมรับหรือยังคงเข้าชมเว็บไซต์ต่อ เราถือว่าท่านยินยอมในการใช้งานคุกกี้ของเว็บไซต์ อ่านนโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว